Wednesday, 8 July 2009


Welcome to The Sweet Bookshelf!

About the Blog:

The Sweet Bookshelf was founded in June 2009.  I am located in Scotland. I started this book blog because friends and family were always asking me for recommendations of books I thought they would enjoy.  I thought it would be a one stop shop for them to see what I'd been reading.  I had no idea there were people who blogged about books! I've always believed the best way to find out about a great book is word of mouth. We are always talking books here!

I generally read about 2 books per week. Right now I am really into Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Fairytale's, Fantasy, some Historical, and anything with a bit of romance.  OK, actually everything I read needs to have a bit of romance.

Here you'll find mainly book reviews, news, and even some author interviews.  I love keeping a log of what I'm reading and how I felt about it.  Check out the Discussions page and join in the fun! See you there!

About Me:
My name is Mary and I am 34 yrs old.  I'm from West Virginia but I have lived in Scotland for 6+ yrs. I'm married and I have one son. I'm a stay at home Mom. 

Fast Facts:
-I'm obsessed with my Kindle! Best. Invention. Ever. 
-I think Dr. Pepper is the nectar of the gods.
-I love period dramas. Even if my husband teases me.
-I have 4 sisters and 10 nieces and nephews.
-I use to work  on cruise lines cruising the Caribbean. 
My favorite books:
These is My Words by Nancy Turner
Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson

What I do when I'm not reading:  
-I'm always with my son.  We love going to the library, the park, and the pool.
-I'm a phone person.  I love to chat with my family and friends.
-My husband and I love movies!
-I love traveling.  My favorite places so far are: Puerto Rico, Spain, and Paris. 


  1. Hey Mary!

    I am am American living in Europe too (Germany) and also have a book blog. Let me know if you'd like any tips :) I can send you a link to my book blogger FAQ (or you can find it yourself in the sidebar of my blog).

    Welcome to book blogging - you are off to a smashing start :)

  2. Mary, congratulations on the launch of your new blog! Everything looks great, and I can't wait to read more of your stuff. I'm also new to the book-blogging world, so I am no help, but we newbies can commiserate! Feel free to contact me whenever!

  3. Mary,
    Great Blog!
    I'm an avid reader too & my Hubby is more of a TV person so I'll join you in the Hubby thinks I'm weird club=)


  4. Just found your blog. Not sure how I missed it this long, but it's good to have arrived. Love it! I'll be back.

  5. Hi Mary!

    I just found your blog (via a post on Lori Caswell's blog about the Literary Road Trip) - you have a great blog!

    BTW - you can still do the LRT from Scotland. Even though people in the US sign up for a state, ex-US participants can choose a country! Hope you join!

  6. Your blog is nice. I also live in Oregon too.


  7. LOVE the "why read" quotes in your sidebar!

  8. Great blog! and I also like to travel :) Btw I'm doing a giveaway of Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft (a YA Paranormal) by Jody Gehrman. Check it out?

    Leigh | Little Book Star


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